20-Minute Team Space
A space for teams in times of crisis to connect, reflect and learn together
Why Team Space?
TeamSpace was created to help teams in health and social care that are at the sharp end of dealing with the Covid-19 crisis.
Our conviction is that a team that works well together, creates a supportive culture and learns quickly will thrive even in challenging circumstances.
By following the carefully designed guide you will provide a space for your team to:
- take a break from all the normal busy stuff
- stop, connect and listen to each other
- think together about how you can build oneness in the team now

“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”
Mattie Stepanek (1990-2004)

“Compassion is not just feeling with someone, but seeking to change the situation… if you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu (born 1931)
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
What’s involved?
This Team Space needs 20 minutes and can be used in a team of up to 8 colleagues; beyond that you are best splitting into groups of up to 8.
You will be working as a team and in pairs. Two people will act as host and facilitator so that participants can forget about process and be fully present in the meeting.
Download the Guide here…
This guide contains everything you’ll need to run a 20-minute Team Space
It gives you clear instructions, right down to the script you can read to take you through the whole process
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Using the Guide
If you would like to explore this Compassion Practice before going ahead, sign up for one of our regular Q&A sessions – answering questions and working through challenges or concerns, even simply listening in if you don’t have a specific question. You’ll find details and dates of upcoming sessions on the Help & Guidance page.
What can you do to support team oneness in times of crisis?
Why would you spend time building your team culture when there is so much other challenge?
These questions are addressed in this 2-page briefing note from One Leadership. It formed the background to the creation of the Team Space practices. As the briefing says: "Poor teams hash up the most simple of tasks; teams that 'act as one' consistently achieve incredible outcomes". Which do you want?