60-minute Compassion Circle

Why Compassion Circle?

The purpose of Compassion Circles is to provide a space for self-care through facilitated connection and support. This is the original Practice as designed by Andy Bradley and now widely adopted including in Wales where it is known as Taking Care, Giving Care Rounds.

Compassion Circles were created especially to support people in health and social care. All too often, those who give care don’t receive the care they need, often through no fault of their own. How can you look after yourself and your colleagues?

By following the carefully designed guide, you will provide a space for people to:

  • Take a break from all the normal busy stuff
  • Stop, connect and listen to each other
  • Think together about how you can take more care of yourself.

“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.”

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
Former President Of South Africa

“Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.”

Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
Philosopher, Physician, Nobel Peace Prize Winner

What’s involved?

This practice needs an hour and can be used in a group of up to 10 colleagues from across your organisation or from your team.

The practice offers space for people to think on their own, in pairs and in the group. Two people will act as host and facilitator so that participants can forget about process and be fully present in the meeting.

All of the Compassion Practices encourage a supportive atmosphere, a high quality of listening and a commitment to care for self and others. They are intended to be safe spaces where people can take a break from the stresses of the workplace.

There is a shorter 20-minute version if you judge that people cannot spare an hour.

Download the Guide here…

This guide contains everything you’ll need to run a 60-minute Compassion Circle
It gives you clear instructions, right down to the script you can read to take you through the whole process

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Using the Guide

If you would like to explore this Compassion Practice before going ahead, sign up for one of our regular Q&A sessions – answering questions and working through challenges or concerns, even simply listening in if you don’t have a specific question. You’ll find details and dates of upcoming sessions on the Help & Guidance page.